Standard and online distribution

One of the main problems that entrepreneurs face today is how to maintain consolidated relationships with their wholesalers, distributors or agents.

It is not a small problem, on the one hand to “guarantee” to those who make turnover a correct approach to the market with controlled pricing, on the other, to exclude online markets which would guarantee perhaps more substantial invoicing than standard distribution. Many entrepreneurs are tempted by the idea of being able to sell directly to the final customers at a price that is certainly more competitive than the standard supply chain which raises the price to the final customer at every step, however, most of the time the limits are unmatched or at least have very high costs, just think, of the management systems calibrated for BtB invoicing and not the final customer.

The need to structure oneself to meet the pre and post purchase information requests of final customers, perhaps from different parts of the world, and the predisposition to the concrete risk of compromising relations with those who have guaranteed turnover so far, are the most important brake landing in the online world.

These are just some of the limitations that the main Italian producers encounter nowadays.